Saturday, June 24, 2006

How Long Is She Now?

It was thirty-five years ago this month that my daughter Elena was born. Dr. Ben Abrams was her pediatrician, and during her first year every few weeks we'd bring her in for a check-up where she was weighed and measured. she was a bit over seven pounds at birth and had a large head, a possible sign of problems. We assured the doctors that large heads ran in the Kaplan family and she turned out just fine. Each visit showed a gain in both weight and length and overall she was a pretty healthy baby. I guess I shot this on High Speed Ektachrome with an FLD filter to correct for the flourescent lighting using a Leica M4 with a 35/2 Summicron.

Five years later when our son Jonathan was born it was natural childbirth, I was there in the delivery room, and I shot the whole birth in B&W using a pair of Leicas. Jonathan weighd over ten pounds and had an even bigger head!

Elena is now a tax attorney in Atlanta, Jonathan's wife Deborah is expecting a little girl in September, and the cycle continues.


Blogger Don Parsons said...

>>>Jonathan's wife Deborah is expecting a little girl in September, and the cycle continues.<<<

Congratulations Al! My wife just had a little girl and I'm 44! That little girl has changed my life for the better.

9:09 PM  

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