Friday, August 31, 2007

A Real Grass Roots Effort To Defeat FP&L

A few months ago when Florida Power & Light announced their plans to run high tension lines through North Miami's residential neighborhoods Monkette got a bit upset. When they said that the lines would be strung up on humongous concrete poles as high as 120 feet tall
she got very upset. Then they announced the proposed route and Monkette realized that when she sat in her little chair looking out her bedroom window she'd be staring right at one of those poles. I never realized that a cute little toy monkey knew such language! And in Espanol and Kreyole too! That girl can sure cuss!
Councilman Scott Galvin organized what was probably the first placard waving street demonstration since we pulled out of Viet Nam, and Monkette was right there with her own protest sign, although I think that she misinterpeted the exact meaning of "mobilizing the grass roots" in the begining. But she was soon up out of the grass and waving her sign at passing motorists.
Since then FP&L hasn't budged one bit from their original plans. Scott has continued his efforts to mobilize the citizens, but FP&L is probably most concerned with what Monkette might do,such as mobilizing the duppies that live here in town. That's likely the reason behind their enlisting the services of the evil fairy Aletha to try and cast a spell on the citizens of North Miami. Monkette says not to worry. Between Monkette, the magical powers of the duppies, and a bit of help from Scott, FP&L will soon be looking elsewhere for a route, running tail between their legs down the rail road tracks towards Miami Shores.


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