FP&L The Ongoing Saga
It was a hot as hell day last summer when Monkette grabbed her little protest sign and joined a bunch of us marching up and down West Dixie Highway waving signs. Councilman Scott Galvin had organized the protest because it seems as if FP&L passed up on choosing the shortest and most direct route in favor of running it right through residential neighborhoods here in North Miami.
Monkette isn't too thrilled about havring 80 foot tall ugly galvanized iron posts on top of huge concrete bases right outside her bedroom window. Today as we drove up N. E. 14th Avenue sh noticed that the poles were stacked up next to the FP&L substation a few blocks down the street from here. It was drizzling so we didn't stop, but I had to promise her that tomorrow I'd get some photos of the poles, even some with her sitting on one of them to show scale and give some indication of just how huge they are! Stay tuned!
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