Saturday, June 23, 2007

Future Directions For The Price Of Silver?

Thanks to all of you for reading this blog on a regular basis. I get lots of Emails from you, and some of you read it every day, while other check in once a week or so and read several posts during the same visit. I've met a few of you when you've visited the Miami area, and I'm always interested in getting together with an old friend or meeting a new one. Also, please Email me with any comments or suggestions to make this blog better still. Email is I'm always open to new ideas.

When I started out I never expected for Yahoo to choose this as one of their "Picks". According to Yahoo The Price Of Silver currently rates #70 for traffic in North America, New Zealand & Australia, and Great Britain & Ireland, essentially the entire English speaking world. With a bit of Googling I've discovered links to this blog on websites and blogs from Europe to the Orient.

I'm getting a lot of requests to show more of my older work from the 1960's and 1970's, mostly black and white, and I plan on digging through my 45 years worth of negatives and posting more of it. The photos and adventures of Monkey will soon have some photos made by other photographers who have hosted Monkey while he visited other cities. Monkette will probably be getting involved with another political campaign in the near future, something bigger than the recent North Miami mayoral race. Her candidate won. In the above photo the little girl is Autumn Burns, the mayor's step-daughter.

Monkette was feeling lonely with Monkey off travelling the country and she met a toy weasel by the name of Brad. Soon there will be pictures along with stories about Brad and his adventures around town. Monkette has also developed an interest in looking through my collection of photography books, admiring the works of some of the greats of the past. I'll be writing about that new interest of hers, and including links to some of those photos. (links avoid copyright issues) Right now she's been looking at Farm Security Administration photos made during the Great Depression. Her favorite photographer from that era seems to be Walker Evans. On the other hand Brad seems cool about Evans. We'll be exploring this new interest in depth when Monkey returns home. Is it a male/female thing? Maybe Monkette thinks Walker Evans is a cute guy? Will Monkey agree with Brad that Evans' work really isn't that great? Or is it a difference in outlook between simians and weasels? Stay tuned!


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