Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Girls In Red Dresses ~ Out Of My Price Range

Girls in red dresses! What a concept! What a turn on! Ever since I was a little kid I've been attracted to red, the redder and the brighter the better! Black dresses can be sexy, but they can qualify for either business or evening wear. Red dresses, though, make a statement! Evening wear! When the sun is shining your banker isn't wearing a red dress, your attorney leaves hers at home in the closet.

A new boutique was opening in North Miami and I'd been bombarded with mailings, emails, and phone calls from the store as well as from the Chamber of Commerce. It was supposed to be a business card exchange, and there'd be wine and cheese and crackers and candy. I had nothing better to do so I figured that I'd check it out. There was almost nobody there. For me at least it was a complete bust as a card exchange, but not as an opportunity to see girls in red dresses. The red dresses were on mannequins in the window and on live women in the shop. My eyes had a field day.

I assumed that being about a week before St. Valentine's Day accounted for the mostly bright red clothes featured. In my blue shirt I stood out like a sore thumb. I nibbled on some chocolate and sipped some wine while chatting with a few folks. I was hungry. I soon left and went out to find some dinner. On an empty stomach you can just spend so much time looking at girls in red dresses.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al, I drove a taxi cab in N. Atlanta back in the 80's.We would pick up fares in town for training @ IBM. I learned that if a woman wears red shoes then she was looking for some action. I laughted this off at first but soon found this to be very true. Even women in my cab admitted this to be true. I have found so many good stories here on your blog.
cheers, gb

10:55 AM  

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