Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Down On The Corner, Out In The Street...

The North Miami city election is coming up May 12th and last night was the candidates forum at City Hall. As usual, Monkette was very insistant that we attend. I assured her that at best there would be coffee with powdered "creamer" and a tray or two of assorted cheap cookies. She's the boss! We were going anyway!

As we got closer the song playing on the radio was as if a Higher Power had chosen it. Creedence Clearwater Revival was singing their 1969 #3 hit "Down On The Corner, Out In The Street..."

We got there half an hour early, and still we were lucky to get a space in the parking lot across the street and within walking distance of city hall. There were lots of people carrying signs and wearing candidate's T-shirts, handing out campaign literature (the meaning of "literature" sure must have changed since I was in school) and exchanging pleasantries with one another. The candidates themselves shook every hand they could grab, including Monkette's little hand. She was upset that the Miami Herald photographer and the TV crews didn't cover the arrival. She might have made the 11 O'clock news!

Finally Monkette shouted "Cookie time!" and we headed inside.

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