Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Backside Of The Church

First Church Of North Miami Congregational is two blocks from my house. My first wife went there and both my kids attended the Sunday school. I'd met the minister through the Jaycees and many a night we'd have a few drinks too many together at the Jaycee Hall. I'd probably known him for a year or two before it ever occurred to me to say "Hey Chuck, what kind of business are you in?" I guess I figured it out when he replied "Saving souls." He had a heart attack a few years ago at age 54. I hope his soul was saved. I miss him.

Anyway, this shows Pullman Hall behind the church, where they hold receptions and rummage sales. There's a rummage sale coming up on the eigth of December and I'm going to try to get there early. They always have something that I want or can use, the prices are dirt cheap, and the money is going to a good cause. The best part is seeing people that I've known for years and catching up on whose kids (and now grandkids!) are doing what, going to which college, even getting married and making babies, starting yet another generation.

One thing the good Lord doesn't seem to do, however, is keep the termites away from the church. Those orange things? They're huge tarps that a few hours earlier had covered the entire hall and sactuary buildings for two days. Poison gas filled the place, killing off all the termites and whatever other vermin had taken up residence. I'd had my house done a few months earlier. It seems that every eight to ten years you just gotta do it. Welcome to South Florida! (No, not you, termites!)


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