A Sense Of Entitlement? Or Just Old Fashioned Arrogance?
Things like this must make Mike Blynn want to shout out for all the world to hear "I'm withdrawing from the race and endorsing Bonnie!" Here it is! Read on:
"DFAM Endorses Bonnie Schwartzbaum
"As of May 20th, Democracy for America Miami-Dade is proud to announce the endorsement of Democrat Bonnie Schwartzbaum for North Miami Commission District 2. Bonnie is a wonderful progressive who registered as a Republican to campaign against Ronald Reagan in the Republican primary and has since gone home to the Democratic Party. She has been endorsed by one of her former opponents, Claudio Sanchez.
"She is seeking to bring back transparency and financial sensibility to an area that has not had it for far too long. She wants to open after school programs for children to help keep them off the streets, something she will fight hard for since her own daughter teaches at a middle school in the community.
"She won't give herself healthcare for life and multiple salary raises. She will however, put a human face back on local government."
A "human face" sure beats a "fat cat". Hey Mike, didn't your doctor tell you about the relationship of pot bellies and heart attacks?
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