Elena, Our First Child
My mother had always wanted another child, a daughter, but it never came to pass. After I was born she never managed to get pregnant again. Instead, she spoiled me. She was ecstatic when Elena was born! If she couldn't have a daughter of her own at least she'd have a granddaughter to cuddle, show off to her friends, and play with. My wife Stephanie had a daughter to feed, bathe and change diapers. I soon got drafted also, and learned the fine art of diaper changing.
Now my son Jonathan, with a bit of help from his wife Deborah, has turned me into a grandfather, but my mother passed a way about a dozen years too soon to meet Gabriella, her great-granddaughter.
stories, memories, things which belongs to the past, which belong to us: it is the power, I would say better the magicien of photography...like a time machine for our emotions...
robert blu, from italy (
I Iove looking at all of your photos! I grew up in North Miami in the 70s and now live in Atlanta. When I was around five years old, a photographer snapped my pic at the Dinner Key Antique Show while I was sitting in my parents' booth. I am quite sure the photo ran in the North Dade paper. I was wearing a peacock feathered hat. Could you check and see if that was you who took that picture?
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