Elena's New Baby Brother Jonathan

1976 was the "Bicentenial Year", the two-hundreth anniversary of the birth of our nation, the United States of America. High school students painted fire hydrants to look like little Revolutionary War soldiers. There were lots and lots of parades on the Fourth of July, Independance Day, and fire works made sleep next to impossible that night as well as the night before.
1976 was also the year my son Jonathan was born, a Bicentenial Baby as they were called. Here he's being held by his loving older sister Elena who was five at the time. Next to her is our friend Patty Ho-Chan. She was a student at Barry College and staying with us at the time. Born in Guyana and raised in Freeport in the Bahamas, her dad was East Indian and her mom was Chinese. She was raised Anglican and Barry was a Catholic shool. This being South Florida she ended up marrying a Jewish guy from Israel and had two daughters, but one passed away from leukemia.
Patty lives nearby but now calls herself Pat. Lately she's gotten interested in politics just like Elena and me. She calls me Big Brother and I call her Little Sister. Elena never calls.
Click on the photo and it'll get big enough to see.
Labels: baby brother, Bahamas, Barry College, Bicentenial, Guyana, sister
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