Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Al The Antenna Head?

The cardinal rule of photography is "don't have things in the background look like they're growing out of somebody's head!" That's the cord to a hanging lamp growing out of my head in this photo. Oh well, I can usually manage to come up with interesting compositions when l work with a camera held out there someplace in my outstretched hand, but it isn't always perfect.
Lumumba seemed happy enough to see me, a big grin on his face. He even insisted on buying my coffee. His hair, as usual, looks like he'd just stuck his finger in an electrical outlet, with all those little dreadlocks standing up at crazy angles to one another. So why the big grin? He was about finished with the job of painting a bunch of warehouses and the last time we'd chatted over coffee he was concerned that things were slow and he just might have to go back to Gloria's place and finish painting it. (That's a whole other story...LOL)
Anyway, he was ecstatic! He'd just picked up another warehouse job, bigger than the first one, so he and his crew will be painting through mid May and perhaps Gloria will find somebody else to finish her place. That would really give Lumumba something to grin about!


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