Saturday, September 15, 2007

The Prince Of Africa & The Italian Stylist

Gloria needed some "handyman" type work done around her apartment and she engaged the services of Lumumba to do the work. A worse match-up of conflicting expectations and personalities would be difficult to imagine. After a few weeks I guess he got most of the work done more or less to her satisfaction. Lately he's been spending endless hours with his newly purchased notebook computer, painstakingly setting up a website. He has big plans to market African style (and made in Africa, where possible) clothing via the internet.

I'm thinking that maybe this time around I should get and wear a dashiki. The last time they were fashionable, nearly forty years ago, I never did get one. Lumumba might be on to something, getting in on the leading edge of a trend. Clothing styles seem to go in forty year cycles. Now is the time! And Gloria could well be a big asset to his plans. She spent quite a few years as a stylist in the fashion industry.

Now the website is up and running and Lumumba is running around
town in a dashiki with matching cap and pants, carrying his laptop, and trying to get anyone who'll sit still to check out his wares. He carries all natural health, beauty, and skin care products, the clothing of course, jewelry, and some pretty neat looking drums, all made in Africa. If you want to check it out go to . You can order on line or call (305) 316-7891


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